Mentor On-boarding for the Audio Pro Network Mentorship Platform

Thanks for your interest in becoming a mentor on Audio Pro Network!Mentorship is a fulfilling experience, allowing you to share knowledge and guidance with those eager to learn and it's a rewarding journey for both mentor and mentee.Building a mentoring relationship requires effective communication, mutual respect, and a commitment to growth. As a mentor, you provide valuable insights while fostering the development of others. This exchange of wisdom and support creates a positive environment for learning and personal development.Mentorship involves not just imparting knowledge but also listening, understanding, and guiding. It's a two-way street where both parties contribute to each other's growth. Embracing the role of a mentor means embracing the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on someone's life through guidance and support.Just follow a few simple guidelines. Always be kind and patient, and If more time is needed for a mentee than you can provide, feel free to tag me in and I will take over.Now lets go over the process of getting you into the network and onto the mentorship platform.

Step One: Join Audio Pro Network

Audio Pro Network is an ultra modern social network. It has many features that might resemble Facebook or Linkedin, but it also has so much more. Join other vetted professionals from Hollywood to New York and beyond. Theres no spam, tracking or funny business. Step number one is getting you signed up. Let's do that now and then come back to this page for the next step.

Your Own Private Mentorship Space!

Now that you've joined the Pro Network, it's time to show you what to expect inside the mentorship platform. You will be granted your own private sub network within the mentorship platform. You'll be the Host and it will be your space to run as you would like! You'll also be listed on the homepage where people can sign up for your network.

Existing mentee members can join your network if they desire. You can also invite people that are not members to join your network by sharing your bio page. Keep in mind, when people join your network, they are also joining the main platform. You'll be notified via email when someone joins. You don't have to do anything when you get this notification, just know that they may message you soon to introduce themselves to you or ask for advice. Next, let's talk about your space and what you can do with it.

General Operations and Layout

Create posts like any other social network, but as you'll see, APN has different kinds of posts. You'll see the menu system on the left. I would recommend not joining any of the other Mentor spaces as it may confuse mentees if they see two mentors in the same group. Explore the various tabs, they are all self explanatory.

Creating Posts

You can create a quick post, by pasting a link from the web and writing some brief copy explaining it. Or you can get fancy and create an Article, which gives you the ability to post multiple images and use rich text formatting. You can even embed Youtube videos and just about any other content you can think of.Use the Create button to post in a variety of different ways. You'll have time to experiment with the network before I make it visible, so have fun. My favorite is scheduling Events where I do live seminars in small groups. It's all really easy when you get the hang of it.


Let's talk about messages. If you would like to, you can message all the members in your network at once. Keep in mind, the mentees will never see your email address... as long as you only communicate with mentees via the messaging system.

The message system is where you will do most of your mentoring. Using the system and staying off personal email is the way to go. It will also help you keep track of conversations over a long period of time. I've been mentoring for the past few years. If I need a refresher on a conversation, I can look back on previous messages. It's really rewarding to see how far some of my mentees have come when I look back in our conversations.

When mentees receive a message from you, or vice versa....or a response to a post, or any type of communication at all, a notification email is generated. To respond simply click the reply button in the email and you'll be taken back to the network where you will be able to use the message system. This way your email always stays secret.

Your Level of Commitment

Remember, your commitment is as much or as little as you want it to be. If you need to take a break, I can make your network invisible until you want me to make it visible again. If you want to quit altogether, I can completely wipe your network and all media that was created. It's up to you.This mentorship platform solves the problem of too many comments from less than helpful people on public social. I invented it as a way of giving back after seeing so many young people berated on social media for asking questions that might seem simple to us, but not so simple to them. It means the world to me that you are here.Ok, so it's time to get you on the mentorship platform and start the process of creating you group. Sign up is exactly the same as the Professional Network.At this point in the process there is nothing further for you to do but wait. After your inside it will take me up to 24 hours to create your private sub network. Once I do, you'll receive an email that will grant you access and you can get started!If you have questions, reach out anytime. [email protected]Let's go!